
Back to the Basics

July 12, 2013
By Rocky Palmer, Risk Manager, Wright Tree Service

We’ve crossed the halfway point in 2013, and I can’t help but ask myself, “How can we get back to the basics?” In this industry and on the job, we have a lot to think about. Often times, we get so caught up in those things that we forget to focus on the basics — most importantly, the basics of safety:

  • Perform a hazard assessment of the work area before beginning your day.
  • Assume all power lines are energized.
  • Drive defensively and use signs and cones when parked.
  • Always use two hands when operating a chainsaw.
  • Contact your supervisor if you think a situation is too dangerous.
  • Remain within speaking distance of a co-worker when working within 10 feet of a power line.
  • Never drop or fell a tree or limb until you have looked to see the area is clear.
  • Use your personal protective equipment (PPE) at all times.

Here at Wright Tree Service, our culture of safety remains our biggest focus. We have invested in an elaborate Safety Education and Training program, with nine safety supervisors on staff. Part of our culture of safety is using the basics to guide how we function as an individual and as a team on a daily basis. This makes Wright Tree Service a stronger and healthier operation. Each one of us has a job to do and a family to go home to. Going back to the basics can ensure that we can do both of those each and every day.

Whether you’re at home, in the car, or up in the bucket truck, many of these basics of safety are applicable. When those basics are at the forefront and you act upon them, everyone around you benefits.

We all know that mistakes will happen. The 2013 Spring Safety Challenge was successful, but not completely without incidents. As we placed that extra special focus on safety over the three weeks of the challenge, we were focusing on the basics. It is something that must be done each and every day. Thank you for your effort during the challenge, today, and in the future!